Welcome to Avast!

Where we support all types of computers in fighting viruses and hackers

Hacking has been an issue for quite some time now and people still have this issue, our prgram prevents that.We have updates every week making sure that our program is right for you.

We will be focusing on Online shopping and to prevent hackers hack into people’s information.To do that we have a program called avost. Its a program that doesn’t open any attachments sent from suspicious email addresses. Never send your banking logins or credit card numbers via email. Don’t download unknown software to your computer.We want people to look at our program as to a hero beating the villain from stealing the information that you want to keep safe.We also want to make everything is easier to do so that everyone will not be frustrated in the process. downloading it. Safety is our main priority in this business and we want everyone to just give us a chance. : Neocities.

His Dad using this porgram:

Here's how to make a list:

Things we do to make sure we are the best of the best

  • First thing is it only takes 5 mins
  • Second thing you would like to know is that we have updates every week
  • Third thing is that we work every day making sure our program is perfect for you.
  • To learn more HTML/CSS, check out these tutorials!